Is My Psoriasis Treatment Working?

There isn’t a cure for psoriasis yet. But if you have the condition, there are lots of treatment options available. The trick is to find one that works for you.

Different people respond to different treatments, says Ashley Jenkins, MD, a dermatologist and adjunct professor of dermatology at the University of Missouri in Columbia. In some cases, a medication may be effective for a while and then stop working. That’s when it’s time to try something new.

If you have psoriasis, here’s what you need to know about your treatment plan.

What Should Treatment Do?

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The goal of psoriasis treatment is to have plaques on no more than 1% of your body. If you have symptoms in other areas of your body, such as pitted nails or inflamed joints, treatment should decrease those, too.

“It can take up to 12 weeks for a medication to work completely,” says Dendy Engelman, MD, a dermatologist at the Shafer Clinic in New York City. “If your symptoms aren’t [mostly cleared] in that time, let your dermatologist know.”

Most doctors start treatment with topical medications, like corticosteroids, that you put directly onto your skin. “They have fewer side effects and can be effective, especially if you have mild to moderate psoriasis,” Jenkins says.

But if you have a lot of scaling on your skin, joint pain, or don’t get relief from topicals, your doctor may recommend another treatment. That could include light therapy or “systemic treatments.” These are oral or injected medications that treat inflammation throughout your body. You can pair systemic medications with topical treatments or use them on their own. They should start working within several weeks.

No matter what your treatment, your doctor will examine your skin to determine whether it’s working, says Joshua Zeichner, MD, a dermatologist and director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.

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If you have psoriatic arthritis, “your doctor may also recommend tests like X- rays to see if you have joint damage,” Zeichner says.

Biologic medications, a type of treatment that suppresses your immune system, can help. Your doctor may put you on them for a few months to get your inflammation under control, Zeichner says, then switch to a different treatment, like light therapy and topical medications.

ASHLEY R. CURTIS: Psoriasis itch

can be very intense,

and although it's really hard

No.151 - Repair Skin Barrier

to do, it's best not to scratch.

Especially in psoriasis, when

you scratch, it actually makes

the lesion worse.

At home, if you're having

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horrible itching with psoriasis

and you're looking for something

that's a home remedy,

some of the things that we've

found that do help

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are moisturizing, so getting

a good moisturizer and using it


And I'm also a fan of some

of the menthol containing

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They give you a sense

of cooling, and really can help

relieve some of the itch.

Other things are cold packs

No.364 - Acne Scars

can sometimes help.

Sometimes patients will have

psoriasis in their scalp,

and this can be extremely,

extremely itchy.

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Some of the things that we found

that are helpful that you can

use, that are over-the-counter

are certain medicated shampoos.

Most of them

No.313 - Prevent Acne

will have things like zinc

or salicylic acid,

and even sometimes

tar preparations, and they seem

to help a lot with the itch

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and the scalp.

Lastly, this is one

of the few instances where

a dermatologist will tell you

you can get some sun.

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Psoriasis actually improves some

with sunshine.

The narrow band, or UV

light that you can get

from the sun can actually

No.213 - Repair Elasticity Damage

decrease some

of the inflammation associated

with psoriasis.

Another thing that we found


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for itching and psoriasis


is using anti-histamines.

For example.


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Which you would think of mainly

as seasonal allergies or bug

bites, it actually can help

occasionally in psoriasis

with the itch.

What Happens if Treatment Doesn’t Work?

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Touch base with your doctor right away,” Zeichner says, if you notice your psoriasis is getting worse, or you’re having a side effect linked to your treatment. These are signs it may be time to try a new type of medication. Sometimes combining treatments, like a biologic and a topical ointment or cream, will give you better results.

“You want to have a conversation with your dermatologist or doctor about what results you want and how aggressive you’re willing to be with treatment,” Jenkins says. There are dozens of different options, so don’t be afraid to speak up if you don’t like the plan your doctor suggests for you.

Having psoriasis means seeing your dermatologist or another member of your health care team regularly, especially when your symptoms flare up. Make sure your doctor is looking at all aspects of your health, not just your skin.

“Psoriasis is a sign of inflammation in your body. That inflammation throws off your body's ability to regulate your immune system,” Engelman says. The impact on your immune system can cause or contribute to many other health problems, including joint damage. Tests to measure your blood sugar, blood pressure, and weight can help your doctor spot and treat psoriasis-related health problems before they cause serious problems.

Effectiveness isn’t the only reason you may want to change medications. If you don’t like or can’t live with the side effects, or find a medication too hard to use, you may want to switch. Depending on your health insurance, cost may also be an issue. Know that it’s OK to stop using a medication, even if it’s working.

“It’s important to be your own advocate,” Engelman says. The key is to be willing to try something else.

“Left untreated, psoriasis can have a major impact on your health and day-to-day life,” Jenkins says. “It’s important to team up with your doctor and keep trying new approaches until you find a solution that works for you.”

Read more on: skin problems and treatments, psoriasis, features