Blood Sugar Levels for Young Children with Diabetes

Children's blood sugar levels -- especially when they're little -- can be all over the place. No one expects that they'll be perfect all the time.

Your goal is simple: Get it into the target range when it isn't, because your child's body can't. Test their blood sugar several times a day so you'll know what you need to do to adjust it.

What causes the ups and downs?

  • Exercise
  • Growth
  • Illness
  • Stress and other emotions
  • Medication

No.162 - Uneven Skin Tone

Remember, the numbers on the meter aren't "good" or "bad" -- they're just numbers. And they give you information about how to keep your child healthy and happy throughout the day and night.

Testing is the best way to avoid dangerously high and low levels. You might not notice symptoms, and your child may not be able to explain what's happening. If they can't talk yet, they certainly can't tell you they feel funny.

As your child gets older, their targets will change. Your doctor will help you figure out what levels are right for your child.

Read more on: diabetes, type diabetes guide