User Reviews for Bacopa

Comments & ratings on the side effects, benefits, and effectiveness of bacopa.

Most voted positive review

113 People found this comment helpful

Definite improvement in cognitive function, memory retention, processing complex info, faster flow of thoughts, great when writing essays, reports, analyzing data. Seems to work synergistically with caffeine but I am not advocating this. Has calming effect during stressful periods. Have been using for several years now and I'm not going back.

Most voted negative review

32 People found this comment helpful

Only used it once. Be careful because it can lower blood pressure drastically. I took one pill (100 mg bacopa extract and 345 mg bacopa leaf in each) -Vitamin Shoppe brand. Ate no bkfst, just did my normal routine at the gym. I got dizzy during workout, nausea, blurred vision, almost passed out in gym restroom. Scary! Got workers to attend me and laid down. Felt like shock almost. Drank a...

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