User Reviews for Collagen Type Ii (Native)

Comments & ratings on the side effects, benefits, and effectiveness of collagen type ii (native).

Most voted positive review

34 People found this comment helpful

I'm using Genacol collogen to help with a torn maniscus in my knee, full body arthritis and 14 buldgeing discs in my spine. I have arthritis, fibro, lupus, nerve damage, heart issues and a host of other ailments. It's helping my knee to heal and the spine is not as much pain but still have a lot of body aches and muscle spasms. Only been on it a month but can see a lot of difference in skin to...

Most voted negative review

4 People found this comment helpful

I tool collagen peptides for leaky gut. Immediately after I started taking it I experienced severe A-Fib episodes which lasted 5-7 hours. A month into taking this supplement and 5 episodes later I made the connection between the two and stopped taking the collagen supplement. I did not have any more A-Fib episodes since.

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