User Reviews for Apoaequorin

Comments & ratings on the side effects, benefits, and effectiveness of apoaequorin.

Most voted positive review

75 People found this comment helpful

75 yr old male bereaving loss of spouse (53 yrs wed). Short term memory improved dramatically (had been declining long time (way before loss of spouse) attributed to aging until the life altering event occurred (eight months ago)......saw the ads on tv. Glad I reluctantly tried it (not normally into supplemental treatments). It is expensive, but worth it!!!!!

Most voted negative review

13 People found this comment helpful

Pretty much a waste of money. I tried to check out the side effects from this product and couldn't (yes I even checked this page and the link that was supposed take you to a place where side effects were listed didn't work). This is just a product preying on people that are desperate and will spend their hard earned money on anything that promises results.

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