User Reviews for Folic Acid

Comments & ratings on the side effects, benefits, and effectiveness of folic acid.

Most voted positive review

158 People found this comment helpful

I initially started taking it with iron and vitamin B complex to help my complete blood count. What I do not like is how I need to take one tablet with food. I wish I could take it without. My blood has never been healthier though, and I always had anemia. Plus it really speeds up your metabolism and I seemed to have lost fat but muscle stayed. More energy, overall feeling better. Highly recommend...

Most voted negative review

19 People found this comment helpful

Using 15 mg. of 5-MTHF from Extrafolate-S. Only been using it for about two 1/2 weeks. DNA tests showed I was low in producing folate. I can't tell any difference so far. It is supposed to support my psychiatric medications.

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