BELLADONNA - Uses, Side Effects, and More

Drying medications (Anticholinergic drugs) interacts with BELLADONNA

Belladonna contains chemicals that cause a drying effect. It also affects the brain and heart. Drying medications called anticholinergic drugs can also cause these effects. Taking belladonna and drying medications together might cause side effects including dry skin, dizziness, low blood pressure, fast heart beat, and other serious side effects. Some of these drying medications include atropine, scopolamine, and some medications used for allergies (antihistamines), and for depression (antidepressants).

Cisapride (Propulsid) interacts with BELLADONNA

Belladonna contains hyoscyamine (atropine). Atropine can reduce the effects of cisapride. Taking belladonna with cisapride might reduce the effects of cisapride.

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