Better Daily Life for a Loved One with Alzheimers

People with Alzheimer’s can get frustrated as tasks that were once easy get harder. But there are many ways to help them feel calm and safe as they enjoy day-to-day life more.

Keep a Routine

Planning daily activities doesn’t come easily to people with Alzheimer’s. They also tend to prefer familiar habits, places, and tasks.

But daily routines help them focus on activities they find meaningful. If they know what to expect, it can also lessen frustration and improve their mood.

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When you plan a daily routine for the person you care for, think about:

  • Their likes and dislikes
  • How they used to spend their days
  • Times of day they feel freshest: Things like bathing or going to a doctor’s appointment are easier when your loved one feels rested.
  • Regular times for waking up and going to sleep: Don’t let them nap several times during the day, or for long periods. This could disrupt their sense of day and night.

Place familiar objects around the house, such as family photos and mementos. These can make them feel more secure and connected.

Familiar smells and pastimes are also comforting. A favorite dessert and a TV show can be a pleasure for someone who always enjoyed those things after dinner or started their day that way, even if they can’t totally understand the show’s plot.

Limit Excess Sound

Too much noise can easily overwhelm people with Alzheimer’s. Too much sound can come from the radio, TV, or lots of people talking at the same time.

Ways to limit extra sound:

  • Turn down the volume.
  • Turn the TV off during mealtimes or while you’re talking to each other.
  • Also turn off the TV when a show is upsetting or violent, since they might think the events on the screen are real.
  • Choose music sources (CDs, streaming services) that aren’t interrupted by possibly confusing commercials.
  • Shut windows and doors when music or TV are playing to stop competing noise.
  • Allow fewer people in the room during gatherings.
Be Patient

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Alzheimer’s makes it hard to improve skills or remember directions. So it’s key to be patient with your loved one when they struggle and to remember they can’t help it.

Ways to be understanding:

Help Them Connect

People with Alzheimer’s can find it hard to express their thoughts and feelings as their disease goes on. But you can help make it easier for them to communicate and feel connected.

You can:

  • Make eye contact and call them by name.
  • Touch them gently to guide them or hold their hand while you talk.
  • Ask questions that need a yes or no answer. Ask “Are you hungry?” instead of “How do you feel?”
  • Don’t talk about them in front of others like they’re not there.
  • Don’t use a “baby” voice when speaking to them.
Give Them Choices

Most people like to have choices, especially in clothes or food, but making decisions can be hard for those with Alzheimer’s. So give your loved one choices when you can, but keep them simple.

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Ways to do this:

  • Ask them to choose between two options, such as the plaid shirt or the striped shirt, a hot or cold drink, or if they’d rather read or go for a walk.
  • Weed out extra clothing in their closet so they can see several options, but not so many that they get overwhelmed.
  • If they want to wear the same shirt every day, buy multiples of the same favorite piece.
  • If they choose mismatched clothing, let it go.
  • At a restaurant, help them look at the menu. Then suggest a few foods you know they’ll like.
Let Them Help

Doing simple tasks can help your loved one with Alzheimer’s feel needed and like an important part of the household. They may appreciate you asking them to help.

You can tweak each job to match their ability to do it. Ask them to:

  • Wash dishes
  • Set the table
  • Sweep the floor
  • Fold laundry
  • Measure and mix ingredients for cooking or baking

Keep their previous career in mind too. Someone who used to work in an office might like sorting through the mail or simple organizing tasks.

Read more on: alzheimers