Who is a Sigma Male? Personality Traits, Benefits and Drawbacks Explained

  • What Is Sigma Male Personality?
  • The Wolf Pack Personality Theory
  • The Role Of Sigma Male In The Socio-Sexual Hierarchy
  • Sigma Males Vs. Alpha Males
  • Character Traits Of A Sigma Male
  • Benefits Of The Sigma Male Lifestyle
  • Drawbacks Of The Sigma Male Lifestyle
  • Do Women Prefer Sigma Men?

What Is Sigma Male Personality?


A Sigma male is an introverted alpha male without a pack. They are the men you would call “lone wolves.” It is a new addition to the personality hierarchy dominated by alpha males. They are successful, good-looking, dominant, and influential but tend to be loners. Some common examples of sigma males in popular culture include John Maclane (the badass cop from The Die Hard series), and John Wick (the assassin from the movie series played by Keanu Reeves, who is also considered a sigma male).

If you wonder about the origin of this imaginary personality or social hierarchy, and how sigma male differs from alpha males, we have explained it below.

The Wolf Pack Personality Theory

However, wildlife biologist L. David Mech debunked the theory after studying wolves in the wild. According to him, wolves do not have any sense of rank, and they are not born leaders or followers. Wolves live in families, and the “alphas” are the parents whom the offspring follows (2).

Even though the theory was debunked, the imaginary concept of alpha and sigma males stuck around. It further gained traction with the popular culture and is considered a tool to stereotype men and trigger their insecurities. Let’s take a look at how sigma men are positioned in the socio-sexual hierarchy.

The Role Of Sigma Male In The Socio-Sexual Hierarchy

  • Alphas: They are natural leaders, dominant, extroverted, charismatic, and a tad aggressive.
  • Sigmas: They are introverts who don’t play by social rules. They are on par with alphas, except that they don’t stay in a group. They are not aggressive and keep to themselves.
  • Betas: They are the seconds-in-command to the alpha. They are passive and follow the alpha’s order.
  • Deltas: They are hardworking men with self-esteem issues. They tend to come across as insecure in relationships.
  • Gammas: They may have narcissistic traits and often come across as egotistical and abusive. They do not take orders well.
  • Omegas: They are introverted and intelligent, with emotional baggage. They tend to be clingy and needy in relationships.

Sigmas and alphas are on par with each other, but there are quite a few differences that set them apart.

Sigma Males Vs. Alpha Males

Sigma males do not stick around in a group long enough to be a part of them. They believe the smarter decision is to work by themselves and that a team or group comes with too many responsibilities and voices. Here are some of the classic traits of a sigma male.

Character Traits Of A Sigma Male

Each personality type has its benefits and drawbacks. Here are the benefits and drawbacks of being a sigma male.

Benefits Of The Sigma Male Lifestyle

Sigmas have qualities that most women find attractive. They lay out what they want from the relationship and do not make false promises. They are not clingy or needy and are confident, attractive, and mysterious.

Drawbacks Of The Sigma Male Lifestyle

Given these drawbacks, you may think women may not prefer sigma males. On the contrary, they find them attractive. Let’s explore this in the next section.

Do Women Prefer Sigma Men?


Most women are attracted to mysterious men, which gives sigma males an edge. They think that they may make a sigma male commit and are often attracted to them.

Sigma males don’t feel the need to commit to a relationship altogether. They leave the relationship whenever they want to. Most sigmas are completely honest with women about what they want. This comes across as self-confidence to most women, and that is a character trait women like.

Sigma males are mysterious, charming, attractive, and loners. They are difficult to tie down. In a way, they are rebellious as they go their own way. However, sigma males often never stick to one woman since companionship comes with baggage. Sigma males are mostly not looking to form a strong emotional bond with their partners. They just want a good time. A sigma male may be the most compatible with a sigma female since they have similar personalities and goals.

The Final Word

The loner trope has often been romanticized by books, movies, and popular culture. However, do not take these seriously as these personality types. These hierarchal structures are often inaccurate, and you should not live by these rules. Whether you are a sigma or an alpha male, always strive to be the best version of yourself and trust your journey.

Read more on: traits, explained