What is The Normal Intramuscular Dose of Vitamin B12?


The normal intramuscular dose of vitamin B12 is 30 to 100 micrograms daily for up to 10 days followed by maintenance doses. This is often enough to prevent and reverse a deficiency. In some cases, higher doses are needed.

Why Is Vitamin B12 Important?

Cobalamin, or vitamin B12, plays a key role in DNA synthesis and hemoglobin production. It also supports the proper functioning of the nervous system and regulates homocysteine metabolism. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, elevated homocysteine levels may affect cardiovascular health and increase heart disease risk.

This water-soluble vitamin is found in animal foods, such as clams, mussels, salmon, beef and eggs, as well as in nutritional yeast and fortified foods. Your body cannot produce it on its own. Therefore, it's no surprise that 1.5 percent to 15 percent of the population is deficient in vitamin B12, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Role of Vitamin B12 Shots

Vitamin B12 shots are prescribed for pernicious anemia and other disorders that affect the body's ability to absorb and synthesize cobalamin. Treatment aims to raise vitamin B12 levels in the bloodstream and prevent or reverse a deficiency. As the NIH points out, injectable vitamin B12 has a higher absorption rate than oral formulas. However, high doses of this nutrient in oral form may be just as effective.


Vitamin B12 shots are unlikely to boost your energy or help you get leaner. This form of treatment isn't a cure-all.

B12 Injection Dosage

B12 shot dosage depends largely on the condition that is being treated. Gastrectomy, bariatric surgery and other stomach operations, for example, can reduce vitamin B12 absorption.

If you're deficient in vitamin B12, your doctor may prescribe 30 to 100 micrograms of cyanocobalamin daily for five to 10 days. Maintenance doses of 100 to 200 micrograms per month may be required, as well.

Pernicious anemia develops because the body is unable to make enough healthy red blood cells due to a lack of vitamin B12. People with this condition can't absorb vitamin B12 from food because they don't have the necessary protein, intrinsic factor, found in the stomach that aids in absorption of the B vitamin.

Pernicious anemia is usually treated with 100 micrograms of cyanocobalamin daily for at least six days, followed by 100 micrograms monthly for life. Itching, mild diarrhea, congestive heart failure and fluid buildup in the lungs are all potential side effects. Individuals who are sensitive to cyanocobalamin may experience anaphylactic shock, a severe allergic reaction.

If you're anemic or deficient in this nutrient, ask your doctor about the best ways to raise your vitamin B12 levels. Injections are not the only option.

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