How to Lose 150 Lbs. While Avoiding Saggy Skin

Go Slowly for Best Results

If you feel that you need to lose 150 pounds fast, talk to your doctor. However, it is beneficial to lose weight at a gradual pace, preserving muscle mass and allowing skin elasticity to gradually adjust to new body composition. The Mayo Clinic suggests aiming for one to two pounds per week, by cutting 500 calories per day through diet and exercise.

Focus on Nutrients and Hydration

A beneficial way to prevent saggy skin from weight loss is to eat nutritious meals filled with nutrients and antioxidants. The Mayo Clinic suggests eating a varied diet, including orange and yellow fruits and vegetables like carrots, peppers, cantaloupe and oranges, as well as berries, legumes, leafy greens and tomatoes, for the maintenance of healthy, taut skin.

Additionally, healthy fats found in fish such as salmon and mackerel help to smooth and plump the skin after weight loss. Avoid highly-processed foods, refined sugars and foods high in sodium, which can all cause dehydration.

Keeping well-hydrated improves skin health and can help prevent skin damage, wrinkles and sagging. Penn Medicine recommends drinking between 48 and 64 ounces of water daily, depending on your body size. You can also obtain hydration through foods such as watermelon, yogurt, lettuce, tomatoes, grapes, cucumber, leafy greens, applesauce and hard-boiled eggs.

Moreover, the Mayo Clinic suggests using moisturizing creams which help to plump sagging, loose skin. Choose products containing additional healthful skin- plumping ingredients like niacinamide, hydroxy acids and peptides.

Build Muscle with Strength Training

Maintaining muscle mass is important to prevent loose, sagging skin after losing 150 pounds without surgery. It is also beneficial to build muscle through hypertrophy training to fill out the loose skin that can come as a result of weight loss.

In order to build muscle mass, the American Council on Exercise recommends lifting weights for two to three sets of 6 to 12 repetitions per exercise, at 70-80% of a one-rep maximum. Aim to lift weights at least twice a week as recommended by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Be sure to work all your major muscle groups and allow for adequate rest between exercise sessions. Usually that means at least one full rest day between strength- training workouts, but sometimes beginners need a little more rest.


For best results, losing weight slowly is ideal to prevent loose skin. But in some cases, having a bit of loose and sagging skin is unavoidable after a major weight loss. Keep in mind that surgical options are available and consult your physician if you think this option could help you.

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