Homeopathic Remedies for Ganglion Cysts

If a ganglion cyst is causing discomfort, it can be treated with aspiration (draining), steroid injections, or surgery. However, if you are seeking more natural options, you might be interested in trying homeopathic remedies for ganglion cysts.

There’s no scientific evidence that proves homeopathic options can help with ganglion cysts — the research on homeopathy in general is lacking.

Read on to learn about the homeopathic options for ganglion cysts, the research available, plus other natural remedies to cope with them.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is an alternative medical practice developed more than 200 years ago. It’s rooted in the concept of “like cures like.” This notion states that if a substance causes certain symptoms, the substance can also cure those symptoms.

Homeopathic medicine is also based on the idea that lower doses are more effective. Homeopathic products consist of various substances diluted in water or in sugar pellets.

However, homeopathy is based on unconventional theories. It’s not a replacement for standard medical treatment.

Homeopathy uses substances that come from:

  • plants
  • minerals
  • animals

What homeopathic remedies might be helpful for ganglion cysts?

There are several ways to use homeopathic remedies for ganglion cysts. Generally, it’s recommended to use them in a diluted liquid. The suggestion is typically about 4 drops twice a day for several days, but the specific product you’re using should provide a recommendation for dosage.

You may also find these remedies in oil or cream form, which can be applied directly to your cyst.

The following homeopathic remedies are often recommended by homeopathic practitioners for ganglion cysts.


According to homeopathic practitioners, ruta is the best remedy for ganglion cysts. It’s thought to ease strain in your muscles, joints, and tendons. This may help ganglion cysts, which may be related to overuse.

Calcarea fluorica

If a ganglion cyst presses against a nerve, it can cause pain. In this case, calcarea fluorica, also called calcarea flour, is recommended by homeopathic practitioners. It’s said to ease this type of pain.

Benzoic acid

Benzoic acid is used for ganglion cysts that are accompanied by dark brown, foul-smelling urine. According to homeopathy, this urinary symptom means that the cyst can be treated with this remedy. It’s thought to reduce the size of the cyst.


Silicea is said to treat ganglion cysts on the left side of your wrist. It’s recommended if you have odorous sweat, along with numbness and weakness in your hands.

This remedy is thought to help your body reabsorb the material present in a cyst.

Calcarea carb

Calcarea carb is used for ganglion cysts on the right side of your wrist. It’s believed to treat pain and nerve compression caused by the cyst.


Graphites is used for ganglion cysts in people who are prone to weight gain, skin conditions, and feeling cold.

Rhus tox

Rhus tox is used to relieve wrist pain caused by a ganglion cyst. If you have a history of wrist injury or trauma, a homeopathic practitioner might recommend rhus tox.

Does research support the use of homeopathy?

There are several reasons you may consider homeopathy over more traditional routes.

If you have a ganglion cyst, you might seek homeopathy if:

  • you prefer more natural alternatives
  • you want a treatment without contacting a doctor
  • you’re unable to visit a doctor
  • conventional treatment fails to work or ease your symptoms

However, there’s controversy over the effectiveness of homeopathy. There’s limited evidence proving that homeopathic remedies work for any health condition. The available research has also produced mixed results.

A 2015 research review showed that it’s unclear if homeopathic treatment is any different from placebo. A 2016 meta-analysis also reported that adverse side effects often occur in homeopathic studies.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised against using homeopathic treatments for serious conditions. Additionally, according to a 2015 review by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), there’s no proof that homeopathy is effective for any condition. The NHMRC states that using homeopathy may pose a health risk.

Plus, there’s no specific research regarding homeopathy for ganglion cysts. This means homeopathic remedies haven’t been tested for safety and efficacy when used for ganglion cysts. More research is necessary to confirm how homeopathy can help ganglion cysts, if at all.

If you’re thinking of starting a homeopathic regimen or taking new herbs or supplements, consult a healthcare professional first. They can help you avoid medication interactions and ensure the remedies are safe for you.

What are other natural ways to help with ganglion cysts?

There are other ways to relieve ganglion cysts without medical treatment. These options might be safer than homeopathic remedies.

Ganglion cyst natural remedies include:

  • Limiting movement. Avoid repetitive movements, which can worsen pain and discomfort. Try wearing a brace to limit movement.
  • Loose shoes. If you have a cyst on your foot, wear loose shoes or tie the shoelaces loosely to minimize pressure. You can also put a pad in your shoe to limit pressure on the cyst.
  • Warm compress. Applying a warm compress to the cyst may help fluid drainage. Make sure the compress is warm, not hot, to avoid burning your skin.
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers. If the cyst is causing pain, take an OTC pain reliever like ibuprofen or naproxen.

The bottom line

It’s unclear if homeopathy for ganglion cysts actually works. There’s no research on how homeopathic substances specifically affect ganglion cysts. Plus, homeopathy in general is controversial, as there’s little evidence to prove its effectiveness for any condition.

Typically, a ganglion cyst doesn’t need medical treatment. You can use a warm compress, OTC pain relievers, or a brace to ease unpleasant symptoms.

If you’re still curious about homeopathic remedies, check with a medical professional first. It’s also best to contact a trained homeopathic practitioner if you plan to go that route.

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