Does Whey Protein Cause Acne? How to Prevent It

Whey protein supplements are one of the best sources of essential nutrients for fitness enthusiasts. They improve muscle protein synthesis to boost the growth of lean muscles and help with effective weight management. However, many believe it causes acne. But does whey protein cause acne? Some studies show a possible connection between acne and whey protein. Read on to explore how whey protein may increase acne issues and how to manage it.

  • Whey Protein: Does It Really Cause Acne?
  • How Whey Protein May Trigger Acne: The Mechanism
  • Ingredients To Avoid In Your Protein Shakes
  • How To Prevent Acne Breakouts Caused By Whey Protein
  • Whey Protein Alternatives

Whey Protein: Does It Really Cause Acne?

Yes. Whey protein may cause acne as it is derived from milk (along with casein) and forms as a by-product of the cheese-making process. Dairy intake is linked to acne (2). Several studies have found a possible link between the two:

  • A study involving teenage athletes found that whey protein triggered acne lesions in them, and they diminished once the drink was discontinued. However, further studies are required to determine the exact mechanism.
  • In another study, researchers observed that whey protein could enhance insulin levels or insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and aggravate acne in healthy men.
  • In a study involving 30 patients, researchers found that females were prone to develop acne after taking whey protein. They also concluded that whey protein could trigger acne in people with no active lesions and no family history of acne.

Even though further studies are required to determine the exact mechanism and link, we cannot deny that whey protein aggravates and triggers acne. Lets explore the possible reasons and mechanisms in the next section.

How Whey Protein May Trigger Acne: The Mechanism

Dairy products (including whey protein) spike up blood sugar levels and produce insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in your body. IGF-1 is the factor that is thought to accelerate muscle growth and trigger acne. Milk has a low glycemic index (GI), but it also triggers the release of comedogenic hormones like progesterone, estrogen, androgen precursors, and alpha-reductase steroids. This hormone imbalance increases excess sebum production, abnormal keratinization, and bacterial proliferation, causing acne.

Ingredients To Avoid In Your Protein Shakes

What you mix in your protein shake may also play a key role in acne. Adding milk, especially skim milk, may double the risk of acne.

Manufacturers often add whey protein to skim milk to maintain its consistency. Moreover, compared to regular and full-fat milk, skim milk increases the risk of comedogenesis (formation of comedones due to clogged pores). Hence, avoid preparing your protein shakes with skimmed milk.

It is best to avoid any foods that may trigger acne. However, it may not always be possible if you are into athletics. Here are a few ways to prevent and manage breakouts caused by whey proteins.

How To Prevent Acne Breakouts Caused By Whey Protein

You may check out vegan proteins instead of whey protein. Here are a few alternatives you may try to minimize the acne lesions without affecting your muscle-building goals.

Whey Protein Alternatives

The best alternatives for whey protein include:

  • Pea protein powder
  • Soy protein powder
  • Egg white protein powder
  • Brown rice protein powder

Other than these protein powders, nuts, lentils, and oily fish are good protein sources.

Plant-based protein powders are easier to digest than whey protein. However, before buying, check the product to ensure they contain minimally processed ingredients.

To Conclude

Whey protein helps maintain body weight and muscle strength. However, it is better to steer clear of it to avoid unwanted acne. You may try the alternatives suggested in the article and follow acne management tips. If there is no improvement in your condition, consult your doctor immediately.

Read more on: acne