User Reviews for Lactase

Comments & ratings on the side effects, benefits, and effectiveness of lactase.

Most voted positive review

23 People found this comment helpful

I am not 100% lactose intolerant but definitely lactose sensitive. I wasn't able to eat cereal with milk or coffee with milks or eat ice cream without getting shooting pains, cramping, gas pains..etc. Well I went and got cheap pills from CVS called Lactaid that contain lactase and it takes away ALL my symptoms. It works best before you eat but worst case scenario, I have taken it after and ill ...

Most voted negative review

10 People found this comment helpful

After using lactaid for years, I believe it have weakened my teeth. The front tooth that I used to break the pill up and one of my right side molars that I chew it with has cracked and chipped pieces of the tooth/teeth off. I cannot find anything about this possible side effect. Never had any problems with my teeth before. Only 1 small cavity my whole life. Anyone else have this problem?

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