How to Use Olive Oil for Constipation Relief

Olive oil is often touted for its potential health benefits, which include lowering cholesterol and helping to balance blood sugar levels. The oil may also help treat constipation.

Constipation refers to the slow movement of stools through your bowels. You may only have a few bowel movements per week. The accepted norm is one bowel movement per day, but your individual habits may vary. With constipation, stools become hard and dry. This can make the stool harder to pass. Abdominal pain is a common symptom of constipation.

The laxative effect of olive oil is generally mild. Most people can also consume the oil without side effects. Even if it offers only slight relief, it may be worth adding this healthy oil to your diet.

What Causes Constipation?

Constipation has many possible causes. This can make it difficult to find out what’s causing your particular case of it. The cause can be as simple and easily fixed as a poor diet or as serious as colon cancer.

More benign causes of constipation include a low-fiber diet, poor hydration, and a lack of regular exercise. Sedatives and medications that lower blood pressure may also cause constipation.

Underlying medical conditions can also cause constipation. Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis both count constipation among their list of health complications. In many cases, serious constipation is related to a problem in the digestive tract. For example, an anal fissure or a narrowing of the colon can cause constipation.

Neurological problems that specifically affect the nerves around the colon and rectum, as well as pelvic muscle problems, can also cause constipation.

Olive oil is considered a healthy fat because it contains primarily monounsaturated fats. The body uses these fats to improve cardiovascular health. It’s also better for weight loss than saturated fats or trans fats, which can contribute to weight gain and other problems.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Small doses of olive oil are well-tolerated by most people. Because it may have natural laxative properties, olive oil consumed in large amounts may contribute to diarrhea.

Olive oil packs a lot of calories into a small serving. One tablespoon, for example, has nearly 120 calories. If you’re carefully counting calories, remember to include olive oil in your tally.

If you have diabetes, you should talk with your doctor before using olive oil in this manner. Olive oil may lower your blood sugar levels.


If olive oil doesn’t help, consider taking an over-the-counter laxative. Many of these products work within a few hours, so you shouldn’t take these if you’re unable to access a bathroom readily.

If you’ve tried olive oil or other treatments and you’re still constipated a few days later, make an appointment with your doctor or a gastroenterologist. If you don’t have a bowel movement for a week, you should seek medical attention. You should also seek medical attention if your bowel movements are painful or produce little stool.

How to Prevent Future Constipation

Follow these tips to prevent constipation:

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