Scalp Problems

Your scalp often plays second fiddle to your hair. In more severe cases, you’ll see a reddening of the scalp and a lot of oil. According to the Ame...

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Adult Acne is Treatable

“Most of the over-the-counter products involve salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, which are good for whiteheads and pustules, but not so much for...

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Spider Angioma

Spider angioma. Vascular papule with radiating arterioles on the cheek of a child. Slideshow: Birthmarks: Port Wine Stains to Hemangiomas Slideshow...

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Why Do My Nails Look Weird?

Nails that are thick, slow-growing, and yellow often point to lung diseases like emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Yellow nails can even be a sympto...

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