Skin-To-Skin: Your Parenting Jump Start
Also referred to as SSC, skin-to-skin is an important practice that should be prioritized as soon as possible after birth, with benefits that extend long after baby is born.
So, what is skin-to-skin? How is it beneficial for you and your baby? How long do you need to practice skin-to-skin for it to have a positive impact on your little one? We’ve got all the answers below.
What is skin-to-skin?
Skin-to-skin is exactly what it sounds like. It’s when you lay your baby, belly side down, directly on your chest with no clothing between you.
Normally this happens immediately after delivering your baby, and it’s encouraged that you continue to practice skin-to-skin even as your little one gets older. Think of it as intensive cuddling time with your newborn.
Skin-to-skin is highly encouraged because it promotes bonding between parents and their baby. Especially for newborns, it helps them to feel safe and to connect with their caretakers.
Benefits of skin-to-skin
Besides helping both babies and their parents to bond with each other, there is a wealth of other benefits that come from practicing skin-to-skin.
Benefits for mom
Experts agree that regardless of whether you plan on breastfeeding or formula feeding, immediate skin-to-skin contact after vaginal birth, or as soon as the mother is stable after a cesarean delivery is in the best interest of the mother and her baby.
Not only does skin-to-skin help to promote healthy bonding, but for moms who plan to breastfeed, it can help to make the nursing process easier for both mom and baby.
For moms, skin-to-skin can help those maternal instincts kick in.
In a 2013 study, where skin-to-skin was delayed, there was a noticeable decline in maternal response to a baby’s cues, such as rougher handling or not being as responsive to a baby’s cries 4 days after birth. An earlier 2009 study found similar results up to 1 year later.
Moms who engaged in skin-to-skin also are more likely to have reduced postpartum hemorrhaging and lower risks of postpartum depression.
Benefits for baby
Mom isn’t the only one who benefits from consistent skin-to-skin time. For newborns, this is a critical practice that shouldn’t be delayed.
Experts agree that the birthing process can be a traumatic one — and not just for mom. Engaging in skin-to-skin shortly after giving birth works as a stress reliever for babies, as well as helping the baby’s bodily functions work better.
Specifically, researchers in 2011 discovered that newborns that engaged in early skin-to-skin contact cried less and had better cardio-respiratory stability than those that didn’t.
The result was better oxygen saturation levels, stable blood glucose levels, and reduced cortisol levels in babies’ saliva. Skin-to-skin can even work to help your newborn regulate their temperature.
Benefits for dad
Moms and babies aren’t the only ones who should be practicing skin-to-skin. Dads should also engage in this activity often. Just like for mom, spending a little time skin-to-skin with their babies helps dads bond to baby, too.
Likewise, those paternal instincts are triggered through consistent skin-to-skin time. And just like with mom, spending time with dad also helps baby to regulate their temperature and heartbeat.
Often, dads are asked to step in for the initial skin-to-skin time if their baby is born via C-section. (That said, if the surgery has no complications, moms may be able to snuggle with their baby skin-to skin right away.)
Experts agree that skin-to-skin should start as soon as a baby is born— especially for those born vaginally. In some cases, it can happen as soon as the umbilical cord has been clamped.
Often a baby isn’t even wiped off before they’re placed on their mother’s chest. And more importantly, mom and baby should have at least an hour of uninterrupted skin-to-skin time in those first moments to ensure both of them reap the most benefits.
But even if you have a baby via cesarean delivery, it’s possible to engage in skin-to skin as soon as your baby is born.
A 2019 study found that mothers who underwent a medically uncomplicated C- section and engaged in skin-to-skin right after delivery had lower stress levels and were more satisfied with their delivery experience vs. women who did not have immediate skin-to-skin contact with their babies.
Skin-to-skin should be continued in the weeks after you and baby are back home. Experts at the Cleveland Clinic suggest that skin-to-skin can help breastfeeding moms read their babies’ hunger cues and encourage babies to nurse.
It can also help calm and soothe your little one and even enhance brain development in those early weeks — whether mom or dad is doing the skin-to-skin cuddling.
While there isn’t much research on the benefits of this practice with older babies, there’s no official reason to stop it unless your child is too wiggly or no longer interested. Older babies and toddlers are more likely to communicate when they want to be held, so focus on those cues.
If you’re about to be a first-time parent, the benefits of skin-to-skin contact can’t be overstated.
Besides helping to create a lasting bond between you and your little one, the practice can also help your baby transition from the womb to the outside world, improve your post-birth recovery, and even make breastfeeding easier.
So, make sure you talk with your partner and include skin-to-skin in your birth plan. Clearly explain your goals with the birthing staff to prioritize skin-to- skin after birth. You’ll be glad you did.
Read more on: skin