Can Cigarette Burns Leave Scars? How to Treat Them

Can cigarette burns on skin leave a scar?

A common accidental way to develop a cigarette burn is by brushing against a cigarette in a crowded area, such as at a dance club or bar. Children sometimes burn themselves when they’re left unattended and pick up lit cigarettes or cigars.

Cigarette burns may leave a scar, depending on how deep the burn is. First degree burns that only affect your top layer of skin often heal completely, but wounds that penetrate deeper are more likely to leave a permanent mark.

The best way to manage cigarette burns is by taking steps to prevent them in the first place. If you do get burned, it’s important to properly treat the wound to lessen the chance of a scar forming. If you develop a scar, you may be able to help it fade using home remedies.

Preventing a cigarette burn

To prevent cigarette burns in yourself or others, you can:

  • avoid smoking or minimize the amount you smoke
  • avoid keeping cigarettes in areas where children can reach them
  • avoid smoking when you’re in bed, drowsy, or in places you may fall asleep
  • avoid smoking while driving
  • keep your distance from people holding cigarettes in crowded spaces

How to treat a cigarette burn to prevent scarring

The best way to minimize your chance of developing a scar is to treat your wound as soon as possible. The best treatment depends on the depth of your wound.

First degree burn

First degree burns are usually red and painful to touch. Your skin may have mild swelling. First degree cigarette burns tend to heal without scarring after several days.

If you have a first degree cigarette burn, the best treatment includes:

  • applying a cold, wet compress or soaking your injury in clean, cool water until the pain goes fades
  • covering your wound with a clean cloth or sterile, nonadhesive bandage
  • avoiding ointments
  • taking over-the-counter pain medication, if needed
Second degree burns

Second degree burns may:

  • blister over
  • have a glossy appearance
  • leak fluid

A second degree burn may take 2 to 3 weeks to heal and may lead to a scar.

To treat a second degree burn:

  • soak your wound in clean, cool water or apply a cold compress for 10 to 15 minutes
  • dry with a fresh cloth and cover with sterile gauze
  • avoid breaking blisters
  • avoid ointment
  • seek medical attention if you have signs of infection

Third degree burns completely penetrate your skin and cause permanent damage and scarring. Healing can take more than 6 weeks. These burns require immediate medical attention. It’s important to:

  • cover the wound with a sterile gauze or fresh cloth that won’t leave lint
  • avoid applying ointments to the wound
  • go the nearest emergency room

Treating a cigarette burn scar

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, applying sunscreen after your wound is healed may help prevent redness or brownness and help the scar fade quicker. They recommend a broad-spectrum sunscreen SPF 30 or higher.

Applying home remedies may help fade scars, but research backing their effectiveness is limited. Some options include:

  • honey
  • vitamin E
  • aloe vera
  • baking soda
  • rosehip and frankincense
  • potato
  • lemon
  • lavender and olive oil
  • apple cider vinegar
  • coconut oil

Should you get medical help with a cigarette burn?

Minor cigarette burns are unlikely to require medical attention if they’re treated properly. It’s a good idea to seek medical attention if any of the following are true:

  • Your burn is on your face, feet, or groin.
  • Your burn crosses a joint.
  • There are areas of whiteness in your burn.
  • Your pain is not manageable with over-the- counter pain medications.
  • You have signs of infection, such as oozing from the burn site.

How long does it take for a cigarette burn scar to fade?

Scars are permanent, but they generally fade with time. Your scar may fade for up to 2 years, but it’s unlikely to fade significantly beyond that time. You’re likely to notice the most fading in the first 6 months.


Cigarette burns can leave a scar, especially if they’re deep. Immediately treating your wound after the injury can help minimize the chances of scarring or developing an infection.

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